Geological information for groundwater management
The information about groundwater held by SGU provides a basis for public planning of drinking water supplies.
SGU offers basic information on the geology of Sweden. Depending on what you intend to use it for, you may need to combine different kinds of information. Our Customer Services can help you find the specific information you need.
Maps and map databases
SGU’s hydrogeological maps and databases, which are available at different levels of detail (i.e. different scales), contain information on major groundwater reservoirs, abstraction potential, direction of groundwater flow, groundwater divides etc. They also show where there is a risk of high levels of salt or fluoride.
The Wells Archive contains information on the technical design, depth, yield, groundwater level, geographical location, soil depth etc. of around 500 000 wells and boreholes. It is based on the reports which, since 1976, all well drillers have been required by law to submit to SGU.
Groundwater chemistry and springs
Additional sources of information include:
- The Groundwater Chemistry Archive, containing chemical analyses of well water.
- The Groundwater Monitoring Network, which comprises time-series data showing variations in groundwater levels and chemistry over time.
- The Springs Archive, with information on around 1700 springs.
Water supply sources
The Groundwater Bodies and Water Sources Database (DGV) contains information on public water supply sources and on other sources supplying more than 10 m3 of water a day or serving more than 50 people for at least one week every year. The data are provided by the country’s local authorities and are used to monitor progress towards the environmental quality objective for groundwater, in implementation of the EU’s Water Framework Directive, and by local authorities in their water supply planning.
Water supply sources
Last reviewed 2020-09-21